Friday, November 21, 2008

Future Technology Proposal: Holographic Books

One of the subject offered in the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science of the University of Southeastern Philippines is the Future Technology. This subject is a very interesting subject because it allows us to know what are the latest trend in technology and how these existing technologies emerged in the market. But one thing that makes this subject very interesting and exciting is that we were tasked to look for a technology in which we will proposed on what will be the future looks like for our selected technology. This will force us to extract our creative juices for us to think of a unique and high-tech proposal.

The first thing we did for this subject is to create a group that is composed of 3 members each. Honestly, grouping alone seems to be a very difficult part for us. We are 4 in the group which are my classmates since we are in our freshmen years. This is the first time that we will not be together as group mates. We have decided to divide our group into 2 members each and look for another person as the 3rd member. So, settling our group alone was such a very difficult task.

The next step is looking for a topic to proposed. Again looking for a topic seemed to be the most difficult task for this subject. There are a lot of technologies but the main problem is what will be the future looks like for this technologies?. There are instances in life that good thoughts come in an unexpected manner. One fine afternoon, while waiting for our class, some of my classmates were very busy reading pocket books. One of my groupmates John Lee interrupted them by reading the pocketbook aloud and trying to imagine the scene. With this, an idea came into my mind to have a holographic book in which when you open a book, a holographic image of the content will be displayed and there will be voices which will serve as the narration of the content.

We tried to proposed this topic to our instructor, which he approved. Thank God the first part of our agony has come to an end. The next for our group now is to plan on how are we going to design that holographic book.

I think nothing is impossible now as far as technology is concerned. With the proper discipline and dedications, I think there will be no problems in creating that what we so called the future of book technology.

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