Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Technological Change... Environment Change?

The environment has a very strong influence on how people make their daily living. In fact, human being must adopt to the environment they are living for them to survive. It has been proven throughout the history of human being that the way human being revolved, their lifestyle, their needs among others depends on the environment or society they belong.

Technology on the other hand has been created and used to serve fast changing human needs. Technology has started to its basic form during the ancient times where human knowledge and resources were still limited. But this simple technologies of the past serve as the stepping stone on what the present and the future appearance and features and capabilities of technologies has been and will be. A very good example of this very simple technology is the abacus which was invented by the Chinese thousand of years ago. From this simple counting machine originated the idea of what we knew today as the calculators and supercomputers which can perform billion of instructions per second, a billion times faster and accurate than the abacus. The abacus was invented by the Chinese because of their need of an accurate, fast and efficient way of computing which was very important in trading of goods. With this example, it is very evident that technology existed because of the needs of people and for them to cope up with the fast pace changes in the society.

Innovation in the field of technology can be defined as applying changes to an existing machine or technology to serve a purpose. With this simple definition, we can say that technological innovations made not only because of the dynamic and increasing needs and demands of human being, but simply because society itself demands for such innovations. We cannot deny the fact that there are certain events in society not only simple but very significant events that triggers major turnaround on the way people living in the past which also influenced what we see now in the present and will see in the future. If we try to look back few centuries back, I don't know if it is just an unexpected circumstances happened or it is a trend. Every historical and significant events happened, new technologies were introduced or innovations in existing technologies were made in order for the event to be more significant and historical. At some point in time it is safe to say that significant events in our society leads to invention and innovation in technology. Taking the abacus again as the example, at the beginning of its utilization its basic function as a machine that performs arithmetic operations had fully suits its purpose. But as the needs of people grow due to huge changes in the society and the environment. It is a very long story on how the basic idea of a simple machine performing only arithmetic functions and intended only for business has evolved to a very complex and sophisticated machine that has the capability to process billions of instructions in a second and used not in business operations but in almost any fields; biology, astronomy, medicine, mathematics and even in the military. Because of the fast advancements of the above mentioned fields, most of the historical events happened were greatly influenced by these technological fields. In fact, there will be two scenarios that occasionally happen. It is either new innovations from the existing technologies will be developed or technologies were used to drive significant events. For me to prove that these scenarios were not just merely coincidence but a fact, I have identified several significant and historical events in society. Significant here doesn't mean only events that are constructive but all event, whether it is constructive or destructive in nature.

In the field of astronomy, the discovery of Galileo Galilee of the planetary bodies using simple telescope has inspired a lot of astronomers to explore the space and the universe. Because of this discovery, more and more and more powerful and high technology telescopic and astronomical gadgets were developed and innovated to unveil the mysteries of the universe. Humans are not contented on viewing the heavens from the earth. Many astronomers specially the Americans and the Russians raced to be the first to send human on the outer space using their most powerful and expensive space shuttles. In the present, robots were sent to planet Mars to investigate the possibilities of human survival in the planet. Clearly, innovations in technologies in the field of astronomy had conquered the universe more than human being can imagine. Technological changes and historical events must be related and interconnected with each other in other words.

The world had also experienced chaos that sent the whole world into total destruction and human being from extinction. Although this turmoil in society has had a lot of damages and caused trauma for those who had witnessed and experienced it, somehow it also brought benefits in which people from the present have been very thankful and that the is the technological change. First was the World War 1. this war was considered to be the old fashioned war where countries and its soldiers used low powered and slow weapons. Battleships were the most powerful weapon during that time. World War I had brought a lot of lessons and ideas to military to create or develop more technological weapons to minimize damages and civilian casualties. 30 years after and another World War started. But the 30 years before the war was the transition of constant technological innovations and development. The idea and the prototype of the first aircraft technology developed by the Wright Brothers were developed during that pre war era. This aircraft technology were the cream of the top as far as technological advancements are concerned. Airplanes which were developed to provide convenience to mankind as a means of transportation were put into experimentation by the military and later turned into a super weapon and also turned war into a new dimension, the battle on the sky were inaugurated.

The World War II was the said to be the most expensive and most destructive war in the world history in terms of cost of weapons and damages. The huge lift in technological innovations in this field clearly had caused such chaos and damage in our society. It is said that innovations in technology in war reveals the dark side of technology.

The military specially in the United States and that also includes the Defense Department of the United States of America had funded a lot of research projects to improve the current technologies and to strengthen their defense against terrorism and other evil forces. In the present, a lot of new technologies used in the military all around the world were developed not only to become more powerful but also to minimize civilian casualties. We have now the stealth fighter technology aircraft that can penetrate enemy's territory without even detected by a radar and also integrated with a Global Positioning System (GPS) tracker to make war more accurate and precise while minimizing casualties. This technology was used in Afghanistan in search for Osama Bin Laden .

With this technologies existed as a legacy of war, we can say that damages and turmoil caused by the war doesn't brought only disadvantages but also benefits. This event should be a classic example of significant event in society that resulted technological innovations.

The birth of the Internet in the late 80's also gave birth to the generation that we commonly called today as the “information age”. This event is one of the most significant event in society if we try to look at the way people living in the present world. Nowadays almost all transactions of every individual could be done through the world wide web and the cyberspace from banking, purchasing, research and even chatting and social networking. No doubt the Internet was a big hit. In the beginning, only computers had the capability to access the Internet, but now, almost all electronic gadgets could access the Internet at a very low cost. Cellphones, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and Iphones all created and innovated to have access on the Internet using the new technology called wi-fi or wireless fidelity. As of this moment, majority of the technologies created and will be made in the future must support the Internet for these technologies to be competitive in the market. Clearly, the Internet is another milestone in the success of mankind because of many advantages it provides to end users. The endpoint is that the birth of the Internet is an example of technological innovations that became a significant event in society.
Actually, technologies of the present are the results of the hard work and efforts of genius entities of the past together with the mighty force of our society. We could never reached all the things that are happening today if all such events in our history never happened. But always remember that things are always created in a balance way.

As a summary, from the above mentioned scenarios and those that we feel and experience from our daily lives, we can say that significant events in our society and innovations in technology are related and interconnected. Events that happened had become successful and also destructive because of such technological innovations and also technological innovations has been successful because of such significant events in society.


  1. we cant always blame all these environmental changes to technology alone... the human has done his part on all these...

  2. yah, human who created it is accountable for the changes what we are facing right now.
