Monday, March 2, 2009

My Research Topic Proposal

"Analysis of Network Performance of University of Southeastern Philippines Virtual Laboratories using Simulation Modelling"

Honestly, I am very new to the the field of network simulation and system modelling. Being a neophyte in this area seems to be the biggest hindrance for me that's why there are times that I am about to change that research topic given the fact that I have only 1 semester to complete it. But I am very interested in the topic with regards to data communications and computer networking and other topics that are related to networking in short. This is one of my motivation why I want to pursue this research. Add onto my motivation, I want also to learn new things that are related to computer networking. I also want to contribute to the ideas as far as network simulation is concern. But the biggest motivation of all, I want to prove to myself that I can finish this research inspite being a new to this field and to prove to myself that I am worthy to be called an I.T professional.

Research Update: I am having a hard time constructing the review of related literature since majority of the articles and researches I found were too technical for me and I found a very hard time relating these ideas. But I will do all my best to finish it as soon as possible.

I am currently reading and learning the basics of a network simulator. One of my choice of simulator is the ns simulator which is an open source software for simulation.

I can do it!.....

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