Friday, July 4, 2008

Who will benefit from Open Standards?

Actually, some of the benefits of open standards were already discussed in the first question. There are a lot of benefits of using open standards to products specification depending on the field in which it is applied. Consider a company that manages thousands of computers and doing their transactions over the internet. Now try to imagine if the company not using an open standards in their products? If the product's standards became obsolete, then it will be very disgusting for the company to purchase another computers just to meet their needed requirements. The cost for doing so will be very horrible. Another thing is that there is a tendency for what we call "product locking". Companies will have no choice but to stick with the product since the cost of shifting from one product to another is another issue. These are the scenario which leaves the company a great decision making in adopting an open standard.

Now, I think a good question here is "Who are the beneficiary of Open Standards"?

A very simple logic is that nothing is created without a purpose and Open Standards has no exemption to that fact. Standards in general is created because there is a need for creating such guidelines in order for the industry specially the ICT community to allow interoperability and flexibility of all the products that will exist. The single most important factor for successful standards and industry specification is responsiveness to real user needs. Standards created for things with no real user needs are rarely successful.

The Beneficiary of Open Standards:

Vendors - Standards are a two-edged sword for vendors: on one hand they must consider the standards, while on the other hand they must consider developing something proprietary to differentiate their products. Vendors can also drive standards, either by de facto industry standardization. They will also benefit in a sense that it can be used as a market strategy, to attract costumers to purchase the product.

Users - Users do better when they purchase products when conforming to open standards, because they can competitively shop for products and services and be assured that there will be some kind of interoperability. A certain benefit exists when users know that the equipment has the ability to interface with other vendors hence a great save of money for the users. Vendor acceptance of the open standards or standards by buying products w/c conforms to standards determine the success or failure of the standards. Even though users are not active when it comes to standards, their money will determine the life of the standard.

Service Providers - another type of user with different benefits compared to an ordinary user. Service providers can select vendors that adopting an open standards since they can achieve a good service quality through quality products since they can still communicate with the other. Providers must not also ensure the availability of open standards interfaces to provide value - added services to users.

Please add some beneficiary....thanks........

Data Network Design 2nd Ed. by Darren L. Spohn (book reference)

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